The I Love Lucy Hour Shows is a series of hour-long specials that aired from 1957-1960 that continued the I Love Lucy saga. Housewife Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) lives in Westport Connecticut, with her bandleader husband, Ricky ( real-life husband Desi Arnaz,) and their son,...
The I Love Lucy Hour Shows is a series of hour-long specials that aired from 1957-1960 that continued the I Love Lucy saga. Housewife Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) lives in Westport Connecticut, with her bandleader husband, Ricky ( real-life husband Desi Arnaz,) and their son,...
The I Love Lucy Hour Shows is a series of hour-long specials that aired from 1957-1960 that continued the I Love Lucy saga. Housewife Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) lives in Westport Connecticut, with her bandleader husband, Ricky ( real-life husband Desi Arnaz,) and their son,...