George Jones fans--who should encompass any human being who loves a magnificent voice, singing songs that can be sad, poignant, funny or insightful--will love this book. George comes across as a guy without airs and with a realization of his strengths and shortcomings. You finish this book saying, After all is said and done, he seems like a simple, decent, nice guy who just wants to sing and who wants people to like him...
the book every George Jones fan has been waiting for finally arrived in 1996. I Lived To Tell It All was a best-seller, hitting the Top-20 and Top-10 on many book charts both local and national. The book was designed to be a classic simply because the subject matter, George, was so reluctant to talk about his life in any serious, detailed conversations probably feeling that his life story wasn't interesting. anytime the topic...
Obviously, God has His hand on George Jones. Maybe George should've waited a few more years to write this book so that he could've included yet another astonishing chapter--his survival of the horrendous car accident he was in, in March of '99. This man is truly blessed with a magnificent voice and many second chances. I thank God that He has allowed George to remain with us these many years and bring us so much happiness...
This book is the king of all autobiographies. George Jones, the greatest country singer of all time, HAS lived to tell it, but it's hard to believe. From stories about growing up in Texas with a drunk father, a religious mother, and more than a few close siblings, to tales of corrupt policemen and drug dealers holding him down and shoving cocaine up his nose, to the story of the woman who saved him and herself, this book...