Great story. Great character build. Great twists you don’t see coming until they’re right in front of you. Woah. Awesome book.
This is the best book that I have read in awhile.. I had a hard time putting it down.. Thru the book the dynamics changed and keep you in suspense.
Although slow paced, this is a good thriller with an unexpected twist. Unfortunately there was too much "pulp" of uninteresting details that truly detracted from the suspense. Otherwise an engrossing story involving a hit and run, an abusive relationship and detectives chasing a murderer.
The book starts of with a big bang and then just kind of reads along for a few chapters. When I hit part 2 of the book I literally couldn't put it down. Definitely lots of crazy twists and turns, and while I can usually figure out the storyline, this book kept me guessing! You won't be disappointed!
Our TBR piles may be in danger of toppling, but that doesn’t stop us from browsing (and buying!) new books! Here are sixteen exciting November releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy in the meantime.
The holidays can be so hectic, but the wintry weather just makes us want to hunker down with a good book. As we head into hibernation season, we crave captivating reads that make us want to call in sick to work. (Not that we're suggesting you do that!) Here's a list of ten yummy unputdownable books with affordable price tags.