Sitting in the doctor's office, watching the young woman do the ultrasound on my belly, Jim and I were so excited. We tried to conceive for several years. We were approximately 18 weeks pregnant. We celebrated the heart beat several weeks before. Everything was great! This was the time for us to find out the child's sex and of course make sure everything was ok. We had no reason to believe there were any issues. In our minds, we were only at the appointment to hear: Healthy boy? Healthy girl? We were laughing and talking and joyful... Until we saw the look on the ultrasound technician's face... She looked concerned, confused. The joking around stopped. She became stoic and after many minutes of the wand probing, she said "I will be right back."
This is my miscarriage story. It is about:
Standing in pain and grief when it would have been easier to just end it all.
Allowing a life to end in life's own terms.
Being present with her each step of the way. Even having conversations with her.
Learning from her. Growing with her. Then, letting her go.
This is my miscarriage story. I endured it with my beloved husband. We chose:
Love and not Despair.
Letting go instead of clinging in anger and disappointment.
Feeling it all instead of blocking and turning hard and cold.
We pray this brings hope, encouragement and love into the center of your heart and that you feel our hearts talk.
Special contribution by Patricia Harman RN CNM, Former Midwife and Author of The Midwife of Hope River series and other books Patricia writes: "As a nurse-midwife working with my husband, OBGyn, Tom Harman, I have delivered and cared for many women. Diane Scabilloni was one of thousands and yet I still remember her, partly because of her unusual pregnancy and partly because of her courage and faith." Amazing synchronicities abound in this short easy to read book. Inspiring story and leaves reader feeling touched and hopeful.