Wasnt quite as funny as id hoped, there were sad truths put in funny ways and a couple sad truths with no comedic relief, i felt a little disconnected because of the wealth factor-can pay all sorts of money on physical maintenance and a renting problem. Its a good book, there are many very funny relatable parts about purses and children and food. Just ultimately i think id enjoy something a bit more relatable than a semi-famous...
If Nora Ephron can laugh about the process of growing older, so can we. She writes about her life so far in an amusing way that will make you feel she is a sister or best friend. She speaks of herself openly, often hilariously and makes you laugh along with her, sometimes out loud. Ephron is a brave woman for the truth she tells and I honor her for being courageous enough to do it, for herself and for every woman facing...
Nora Ephron verbalized my thoughts about purses and especially necks. What happens overnight? Suddenly you look in the mirror and realize, "Omigod, it's my grandmother's neck!Who drew those lines?" Thank God for winter, I used to hate it but how else can you wear turtlenecks everyday? I am considering volunteering for Antarctica for the summer so I can live in polarfleece.This is so humour filled but also validating. We are...
I've loved Nora Ephron ever since Sleepless In Seattle and You've Got Mail. Heartburn (which she wrote) turned into a hit film, and so I knew when I saw that she wrote another book again, I thought I'd pick it up. It's a collection of amusing essays all about growing older. She says that there are so many books out there about what to do after menopause etc, but none addressed your neck change as you age so she thought this...
When Harry Met Sally turned 30 this summer! We thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane with some of the quirky characters and hilarious lines that came from this beloved rom-com. Along the way, we discovered some fascinating facts about the talented people who created the iconic film.