How to Make Your Advertising Make Money by John Caples In this remarkable reference, John Caples, a man who has won countless awards and made millions of dollars for some of the largest companies in the United States, draws upon more than 50 years of experience to show you how to write advertising copy that sells anything and everything... write headlines that command instant thousands of dollars in expenses each year...and much more...
Imagine... a way for your advertising to actually make you money... Sounds like a novel concept to the big agencies who specialize in "creativity" and clamor for awards over more mundane stuff like... sales, profitability, results. John Caples was part of the establishment but his writing shows why he was clearly a cut above. I'm not sure why this book doesn't get as much fanfare as the author's Tested Advertising Methods...
This book and Tested Advertising Methods were my first contacts with direct marketing and copywriting and what you have to consider. I consider them both classics. A must at least for every copywriter and also everyone who has to work in this area. In my job I often get suggestion for ads which are funny and creative. But funny doesn't necessarily sell. This book - based on so-called scientific advertising - shows you...
This book is full of proven methods of making cost-effective advertising. A bit outdated but still very valid and central to advertising thinking.Simple to read and well-organized. Examples of chapter names include; "303 words and phrases that sell", "12 ways to find advertising ideas" et cetera.An important reference book to anyone involved with selling in general and copywriting in particular.Other related books include;...
Recommended in monthly Radio Management Newsletter by Holland Cooke, consultant to News/Talk/Sports AM radio stations.