How to Have More than Enough: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Abundance As an attorney in Sacramento California I talk to many people that find themselves in financial crisis with to little paycheck and to much month left. They can't pay their bills and they find themselves drowning in debt. The solution is a change in mindset that will help them recover control of their money and get themselves out of trouble. This book...
The book is well written and explains step by step what is needed to create abundance in your life. Be open and willing to do the work and you too can have more than you dreamed possible. Remember, it takes work on your end and the results are well worth the effort!
Just as he does on the radio, Dave Ramsey guides the reader to a better financial life.
Consumer debt has long been a problem of most americans. The writer is very explicit about those things which cause us to go into consumer debt. One of the things he addresses is greed, not having the patience to wait for the money in our hand to purchase items. I am a baby boomer and our generation has been known to want things microwave quick. This book addresses the dangers and pitfallsof that thinking. It will set...
This book is extremely benefial to read. Its easy reading joyfully guides you how to build a good foundation for success, personal wealth, and good family relationships. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.