Amos Oz's two short essays are full of valuabe insights into the mindset of a fanatic in general, as well as into just and effective ways to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Coming from an insider in every sense of the word, it is very refreshing to read his opinion that the conflict "is not a religious war, although the fanatics on both sides are trying very hard to turn it into one" but simply a "real-estate dispute"...
Whoever has followed the Israeli-Palestinian agonies must read this realistic and informed view of what must be done. His writing , as always, is lucid, expressive, and deep.
I usually do not find books written by Israelis or Palestinians about past or present events in the land whose very name is a matter of perspective and politics to be very interesting or enlightening. The authors usually either have an agenda or are engaging in pure propaganda. This book (along with David Grossman's "Death as a Way of Life") is a rare exception. In lucid, eloquent and sensitive language, Oz presents...
Two very short, thoughtful essays and an interview on the conflict between the State of Israel and the (inevitable)Palatinian State; it is about real estate (and economics) stupid; read it and, then, join the Order of the Teaspoon.