Very simple ideas that help make things easier and faster in the kitchen I’m glad I got it
I’ve always thought that cooking needed to be complicated and I couldn’t figure out how our family dinners when I was a kid could have been edible because they were so simple. This book this book, after looking through the pages and reading some of the ideas for about two hours I feel like I’ve been reborn, and I feel like I can actually put together a meal without stress! I am inspired by the simplicity!
Arrived on time Good book
I hate following recipes at times and just want to go with the flow and what I have in my kitchen. This is the book that works for me in putting together the right ingredients to come up with a tasty meal. Enjoyable and easy to follow.
I am a cajun and thus was raised within a strong cooking tradition that emphasizes cooking skills as much among men as women (my father and two brothers are professional chefs, another is a pastry chef and still another is a seafood merchant). Although I too began in professional kitchens I am now a college instructor but remain an avid home cook (a little catering on the side) and own over 1500 cookbooks Though this book...
We are fast approaching the holiday season, and while we dig through our attics, garages, and closets in search of our holiday decorations, we are also thinking about those big family meals. Maybe you have a tried and true recipe you go to every year, or maybe you are still in search of a knock-down, drag-out, fantastic dish that will go down in family history.