This book has great information. The format is easy, just check the content page and see whatever chapter you're interested in - clothing, eye makeup, hair color, the perfect jeans and lots more. Simple changes can make a big difference. Fun to read and plenty of easy changes to consider - I probably won't ever wear high heels but keeping the tennis shoes for actual sport activities is probably a good idea. I love that...
This book is the perfect kick in the butt I needed to make my downward spiral into Old Ladyhood come to a screeching halt. A daily beauty regimen has been started; new makeup has been bought; new shapewear has been ordered; the hair has been highlighted; and Y & H jeans are here. All of this supports a new attitude which, of course, is the foundation for success in this New Me program. Each chapter is worth the price of...
I'm 38 years old and believe it's never too early to deal with the aging process. What I love about this book is that Charla gives you easy tips that you can immediately implement and that don't break the bank. The tips on buying jeans alone was worth the price of the book. Finally, I would like to thank Charla for the resource segment at the end of the book. I live in Minneapolis and it's very rare that my city is covered...
There are plenty of fashion books and magazines on the market but very few are specifically geared towards the over 40 set. But today's aging baby boomer population is looking better and younger than ever - and authors are beginning to take notice. Books such as Bobbi Brown's "Living Beauty" dispense sage advice on how to age gracefully and still look slick despite a few wrinkles or gray hairs. Charla Krupp's newest offering...