The variety of perspectives shared by 19 children, ages 8-16, about having been adopted was really helpful to read even considering some of the legal changes in the past 30 years. I’m reading it to my two older (bio) sons (ages 6 & 8) now to start the discussion about how their adopted brother will need our support and understanding when he gets to be their ages and starts understanding his adoption. Even with access to his...
I have two adopted bi-racial children...four year old twins..they're too young to understand about adoption but this book was an excellent source to give me insight to what we may experience as they get older and understand more..having raised them since they were a month old it felt reassuring to hear other adoptees talk about their experiences and family is all that really matters..a loving family is all they really want..we're...
The one downside to this book is that it is rather dated (from the 80's) & reflects mostly closed domestic adoptions. However, it is still very helpful to hear what may go through children's heads regarding their own adoptions. There are a variety of ages and viewpoints. My husband and I felt that the range of opinions and they way things were described was probably largely based on how the children's parents had described...
I loved the book. It really gave insight as to what kids are thinking. Very informative and very interesting. Helpful book. I do disagree with others that say it is focused on "white" children. When I read something I read it for what it is and this is a book about children's feelings about being adopted. Color and numbers of colors don't matter. It is an excellent book and I highly recommend it.
By exploring so many different children's views on adoption, Jill Krementz opens doors for adoptive parents to discuss these concerns with their children. It was intended for the older child to be able to read, but I feel that it's perfect for a parent to read together with their younger grade-school child. The sooner my child is comfortable discussing her fears and concerns about adoption with me, the easier it will be...