This book was truly sickening, but it was good because people need to hear about the horrendous things people are capable of. To talk about it we can all be aware and hopefully prevent things like this from happening in the future....or at the very least be aware of signs so we can help those helpless who may find their selves in a horrible situation(s) as the ones depicted in this novel. This was a train wreck of a book...
This book is difficult to read and not only because of the contents; the editing is horrendous! Improper sentence structure abounds, the author goes back and forth from the subject's given name and nickname in the same sentence instead of leaving the inclusion of nicknames to direct quotes, he uses incorrect product or location names (Mercury Mekur instead of Mercury Merkur and Willing, WV instead of Wheeling, WV), and the...
I just finished reading this book and let me tell you it's absolutely sick. Those poor children having to grow up in that type of environment. Absolutely sickening! Well worth the read into a dysfunctional family living among us
I grew up in the same town. I went to a neighboring school. I read this book when I was in high school and couldn’t believe it. My mom worked for a company taking care of developmentally delayed individuals and the one guy was delayed to them. He told her stories that were just horrible and that were from the book. I still go by the house on a weekly basis and it is still empty. They wanted to drain the pond out front but...
I was in prison with the mother and it made me sick soon as I realized I was helping her by pushing her wheel chair and soon as I was told I left her out in the middle of the prison yard with no help and she sat there til she could finally push herself to go eat . I don't care how sorry she is but I told her she is pure evil sick and twisted and I hope she burns in he'll and I asked her as a mother how could she allow it and...