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Religion Religion & Spirituality Self Help Self-Help Self-Help & Psychology SpiritualityI loved this book. I don't get how people thought that Jon Katz acted like he could throw away a dog and get another dog. I think by his writting he sounds like a big dog lover, and any dog lover knows you can not replace a dog in any way. So, anyway I thought the book was written well and very humerous at times. He writes so well, that I can really picture was is going on in my head when Devon the Border Collie misbehaved...
"He was a two-year-old border collie of Australian lineage, well-bred but high-strung, and in big trouble." so starts this glorious book. I heard Jon Katz on NPR discuss his newest book, and knew I had to read his work. I decided to start with an older book of his to get the flavor of the writing and his message. This is a "cannot put down" book. A book filled with humour and fun and sadness and death. Jon Katz believes...
I loved this book! This is an especially great read for anyone who has a Border Collie or Labs, but also wonderful for anyone who has and loves dogs. This book is funny, heart warming, and heart-rending at times. It's about love and loss, and change. It helped me to realize that some of the annoying things my Border Collie does are just part of life with this amazing breed. Another nice thing is Jon Katz is also available...
Jon Katz has given the reading public a wonderful tale with _A Dog Year_. He gives loving tribute to his two faithful yellow labs, and to his two new, energetic border collies, taking readers through the good times and the bad, showing us the boundless love and frustration. The story had me both laughing out loud, and spontaneously bursting into tears. Throughout the entire book, my heart swelled, because Jon Katz is a man...
This is a book for dog-lovers--a story of how entwined the lives of dogs and their human partners often become. In his book, Mr. Katz describes his relationship with a rescued Border Collie. The story begins with their wild introduction and takes the reader through several turning points in their lives as they grow to respect, appreciate, and ultimately learn from one another.Having raised Australian Shepherds, I found myself...