Not as readable as the NIV or TNIV, this translation is still a bit more dynamic and functional than the Living Bible or the Message--which are both paraphrases (free translations). I use this Great Britain translation to compare with and contrast against other versions (translations) when I am studying passages in the Bible. Because it more functional and not as formal as the NKJ or NASB, it is easier to read than these literal...
The Revised English Bible is a useful one to have, partly because it translates freshly, and does not slavishly follow the traditions established by Wyclif, Tyndale, the King James, Revised Standard Version, etc. The use of inclusive language is cautious and the translators are not squeamish about using masculine pronouns occasionally. But the language used is not the language people speak: at least not here in Australia!...
As a person who is well-read but have never really read the Bible, I am so glad I found the Revised English Bible. Growing up, I was always surrounded by bibles (especially the King James Version), but they never made much of an impact on me; I could understand the words well enough, but I couldn't feel their immediacy. So when I decided to seriously read the bible, I decided to look for an modern translation. I think I...
Combining outstanding scholarly integrity, accuracy, clarity, and a suberb English style which is vibrant, beautiful, and remarkably readable, the Revised English Bible is arguably the finest contemporary translation of the Scriptures. It deserves a much wider use, both for personal reading and in the churches.
This is a beautiful and masterful revision of the New English Bible. This is perhaps the most beautiful and fresh translation of the Scriptures to date. It is tasteful and does not use inclusive language excessively. It is unfortunate that it is not more popular, for it is far superior to the NRSV and the NIV. I use this translation for devotional reading along with the Oxford Annotated Bible (Revised Standard Version,...