Basically if you buy this book, you don't need anything else on HLM. It's comprehensive, as the technique stands. But you can't learn HLM from this book - you'll need a teacher.
This is a must-have book for anyone who is serious about understanding multilevel/hierarchical linear modeling.
I had taken a class in HLM before, and I bought this book to refresh myself on the details. It takes a good deal of attention to detail and concentration to really get the full measure from this book, although it's all in there. Despite the authors' best efforts, there is a good bit of stats jargon in the book, so a reader who is not familiar might have some difficulty. If you're at a point where learning HLM is a logical...
This book describes important advances in statistical analysis of social science data, circa 1992. Much of this data has a natural hierarchical grouping. But traditional statistical methods proved inadequate at coping. The biggest drawback was the failure of the assumption of independence. If at the lowest level, Items I1,...,In are grouped into sets J1,...,Jm, where mTo handle this, Hierarchical Linear Models were developed...