Heretic: Betrayers of Kamigawa (Kamigawa Cycle: Book 2) By: Scott McGough In this the second book of the Kamigawa Cycle, we find our characters with some questions answered and with new views of the world around them. Princess Michiko now knows the cause of the Kami War and what her connection is to it and Toshi has finally found something to believe in and embrace. This part of the story takes place a few months after...
This second novel in the Kamigawa cycle is a noticeable step up from the first installment (/Outlaw/). That's not to say that the first novel is bad - indeed, it supplies a great story with impressive character development, and I highly recommend it. But /Outlaw/ was marred by an unbelievable number of editing errors. /Heretic/ fares a good deal better. This time around, the story flows much more smoothly. /Outlaw/ had to...
I managed to read this book on the bus ride to a state basketball game. McGough is a great writer that can carry the reader along from chapter to chapter, making me not want to put down the book. The content also gave me the answers to questions I had from Champions of Kamigawa. At first I was on Konda and his people's side, but now I am neutral as both sides (kami and humans) have issues. Toshi has become one of my most...
The 2nd book of the Kamigawa cycle reveals more explanation of what Konda had really done to piss off the spirits. The lead characters are still Toshi and the princess. Toshi has grown more powerful since he "found religion" in the form of the Night Myojin. Like the first book, his power is more subtle and not the kind of world-wrecking power of Kamahl in Onslaught cycle. The heroes try to remedy what Konda has done, and...
Few novels have keept me in the "shadows" like this one, the reason is it's main caracter Toshi Umezawa, a dishonor samurai that keeps a hidden agenda even to those "close" to him (he's not really attach to anyone but himself), he lives in the swamps and is accidentaly involved in a battle between beeings from the spirit world, a Princess and her escourts and a power mad Daymio. The book is loaded with rich caracters that...