These Henry Reed books were some of the first books I have ever read, and I enjoyed them much, and of course I wished there were more than three (there are, but the newer ones weren't available back then). Every time our family went to the library I would go directly to the Keith Robertson section and see if there were any new titles. They are the typical children's novels, a smart boy figures out things the adults around...
...However, this collection of Henry and Midge's adventures hasn't aged quite as well as the best in the series: Henry Reed, Inc. and Henry Reed's Babysitting Service. I would recommend those two first, and if you enjoy them you will likely appreciate Henry Reed's Journey as well. My daughters loved the Henry Reed books (at ages 8 through about 12).
Henry Reed's Journey is a book about Henry Reed, the son of a traveling diplomat, and his travels across the United States. He meets his friend Midge Glass, from the summer before (read Henry Reed, Inc. first), and travels with her family all over the United States. Midge's father believes that whenever Henry is around, strange things happen, which is true, although it is not Hnery's fault. Henry and Midge's adventures include...