In this humorous and heartfelt novel from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, the bond between a boy and his dog proves strong, as Henry vows to stick up for Ribsy...even if he is a trouble-maker From the first moment Henry found Ribsy, the...
This special edition of Henry and Ribsy features the original illustrations by Louis Darling--the first artist to ever render Henry, Ribsy, Ramona, and Beezus--as well as a foreword written by the New York Times bestselling author and illustrator of the Origami Yoda series, Tom...
In this humorous and heartfelt novel from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, the bond between a boy and his dog proves strong, as Henry vows to stick up for Ribsy...even if he is a trouble-maker From the first moment Henry found Ribsy, the...
Henry's father promises to take Henry fishing if he can keep his dog, Risby out of trouble: no chasing cats, no digging up lawns and no getting near Ramona Quimby the pest. Includes black and white illustrations, an author profile and many title descriptions.