CBA BESTSELLER - More than a million copies sold! An invitation for every woman who's ever felt she isn't godly enough, isn't loving enough, isn't doing enough.
"Easy to read, personal, and well-written with a message much more than surface deep. Joanna probed,...
Encontrando intimidad con Dios en medio de una vida ajetreada. Con m s de un mill n de copias vendidas en todo el mundo, el popular libro de Joanna Weaver muestra a las mujeres c mo combinar la cercan a a Jes s con el servicio a l. Una invitaci n para toda...
With her fresh approach to the familiar Bible story, Joanna shows how all of us - the Marys and the Marthas alike can draw closer to our Lord, deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy. This is an invitation for every woman...
A CBA BestsellerFor women who feel they aren't godly, loving, or doing enough, this will show how we can deepen our devotion and strengthen our service, doing both with less stress and greater joy.