Since the arrival of Harvey Angell at 131 Ballantyre Road, life is a little bit brighter for orphan Henry - even mean old Aunt Agatha isn't quite so miserable these days. Still, when she agrees to take everyone on holiday, Henry can't believe his luck. For the first time ever,...
Orphan Henry's dream to see the ocean finally comes true when his Aunt Agatha plans a seaside vacation. But Henry's got more important things to do than sit on the beach and eat ice cream. He has a mystery to solve Henry can't sleep a wink his first night at Sibbald House because...
Desp es de la visita de Harvey ngel la vida empez a ser mucho m s alegre. la se orita Skivy aprendi a andar en patineta, el se or Perkins decidi usar el pijama todo el d a. Pero en las vacaciones, se escuchan ruidos extra os en la casa y la gente del pueblo no quiere revelarles...