The lives of the twelve children of Lyman Beecher, a fiery New England minister determined that all his sons become preachers, are chronicled in this book. But the primary focus is on his middle daughter, Harriet Beecher, who longed for her father's love and approval. The shy, talented Harriet was overshadowed by her older and domineering sister Catherine after the death of their mother when they were young. Trying to please...
When I hear the word `biography', the first thing I think is another boring book of facts. But Jean Fritz keeps her reader's interested, talking in a conversational tone, while weaving the tale of Harriet Beecher Stowe's life during the Civil War. You watch the influential writer and her family grow - facing much hardship and happiness. I would give this book five stars. Anyone who is interested in life during the civil...
Jean Fritz does a wonderful job with this short biography for young adults. It's easy to read and gives lots of information on Harriet's life without boring you or causing your brain to feel overstuffed. There are pictures as well. I recommend this book for everyone, and it was a big help in my research.
This book was recomended to my by one of my study books after I finished reading Uncle Tom's Cabin. This book gives you insightful information about Harriet and her family, but does not make it dull. It is not to long of a book perfect for those readers who don't want to waste time on extra information. This book made me want to study further on about Harriet Beecher Stowe and learn more about her. I highly recomend this book...