Take off your blinders, pull your head out of the sand, we are probably not alone! Think what you will, but read this book before you decide. Three things: First, "At the Threshold" is genuinely entertaining. Second, the facts on this highly controversial subject are presented in a clear, concise manner. Third, Dr. Emmons isn't afraid to discuss this subject in public, you needn't be afraid to read it in private! In a...
No one has ever taken such an objective and open-minded look at the people who study UFOs and their interaction with mainstream science. The decision to write this book from such an honest perspective was very ballsy, and Emmons should be commended for his integrity. Here is one man who understands and will not bend to the "peer pressures" of mainstream Academics. Very refreshing (and surprising)
Mention of UFOs can be risky, even though the majority of Americans think the phenomenon is real. Why is that so? A sociologist who's studied polka dancers and Chinese ghosts investigated the subject and got some startling answers. Attending conferences and joining groups, Emmons examined the heart and soul of ufology to uncover control mechanisms. He found that threats, classification of information and financial interests...
Dr. Emmons provides an accurate, though-provoking study of the evolution of the study of the phenomenon, focusing on the many obstacles to serious study, i.e. resistance by 'mainstream science' via groups like CSICOPs, academic myopia, sensationalism of the subject by the media, impediments to disclosure by the government (including disinformation) and infighting among the various 'schools' of ufology. It is heartening to...