Praise for the First Edition
"The Fielding Institute authors apply an impressive wealth of organizational management theory and experience in their analyses of computer-mediated teaching and learning. The result is an enjoyable-to-read, fresh and lively book, delivering an abundance of ideas about how to establish a supportive learning environment, design a well structured course and manage electronically mediated dialog, -- in other words, how to successfully facilitate learning in the new context of on-line distance education."
--Michael G. Moore, Pennsylvania State University and Editor, The American Journal of Distance Education
"This book is a fascinating, comprehensive, revealing array of information about online learning. It is full of practical applications and significant implications for a future where online learning will play an increasingly larger role. It is essential for any library keeping up on online learning innovations."
--Dr. Bernard J. Luskin, President and Co-CEO, GlobalLearningSystems, Inc. Visiting Professor, Claremont Graduate University
"This book not only is that rare breed that addresses online learning in both higher education and corporate environments but every chapter is intriguing, informative, and accurately grounded. This book provides a comprehensive, timely, and informative look at online learning in higher education and corporate training settings. For an update on the state of e-learning in educational and training environments, simply read this book."
--Curtis J. Bonk, Ph.D., Indiana University and
"Business and Learning have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship in our culture. The pace of change, however, has created separation between these two vital elements. The "Handbook of Online Learning" showcases the latest thinking and applications in learning delivery, and offers real promise that the gap is being bridged."
--D.M. Verkest, AT&T Wireless Services, Vice-President-National Operations
"The authors of this book are all experienced distance educators who know what the issues are: How are people engaged in teaching and learning at a distance "present" to one another? How do you create a community in the class? How can a teacher deal with an obstreperous student? What are the teaching/learning environments in universities and corporations as they affect distance education? The essays in this book inhabit the border where the idea of distance education meets the reality. The give practical advice and provide examples informed by both theory and experience."
--Stanley Chodorow, Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego & Former CEO, California Virtual University