First released in the 1970s, Daley gave hungry "Star Wars" fans a much-needed fix between the release of Lucas' flicks, and with the notable exceptions of AC Crispin and Tim Zahn, has been the only writer to really do justice to the original trilogy. Daley gives us a look into Han and Chewbacca's early smuggling career and takes them from caper to caper and thrill to thrill in the Corporate Sector Authority (nice change from...
This is the second story of the Brian Daley trilogy. This is a book I found at a second hand store in the mid-90's. I had already started reading the Expanded Universe books that began with the Zahn trilogy. Brian also did the radio dramas but sadly died before seeing the expanded universe explode into what it has become. He is the first EU novelists. My favorite of the Daley trilogy is Han solo's Revenge. Second is...
Picking up not too long after Han Solo at Stars' End, maybe a couple of months later, Han Solo's Revenge continues Brian Daley's chronicles of some of Han Solo's more daring early exploits. In this next volume of the Han Solo Adventures, the author continues to uphold the high standards set in the first book and gives us another rousing, fast-paced yarn set in the Star Wars Universe. Han, Chewie, and the Falcon are all completely...
I remember reading the library's hardback copy of this when I was ten, then saving up for the paperback, so I was a little reluctant to read it again as an adult. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how well the book had aged. Some ideas seemed fresh the first time, though they were already old cliches in 1980 - but Daley made them fun again. Daley's portrayal of Han Solo is faithful to the films, and he gives Chewbacca...
This was, I think , one of the best Star Wars books ever written. Han lands on an ice planet, and gets captured by slavers. He manages to escape, but then he runs into the Espos and is in real trouble! Read and find out the exciting plot of this book!!