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Aerospace Air Travel Aviation Engineering Food, Lodging & Transportation TransportationThis is a very nice guide to help the novice spotter ID today's aircraft. Small in dimensions (just a little bigger than pocket-sized), but loaded with nice pictures and facts about every major airplane type. A good buy.
This book is perfect for the frequent traveler with time on his or her hands at the airport! It is designed to make it relatively quick and painless to find the aircraft you're seeing BEFORE it rolls out of sight -- and I've found that this design works for me.What's more, the book is the perfect size to fit into the upper pocket on a Travelpro Rollaboard® suitcase -- so it's always easy for me to get to, when that unknown...
This book starts with a taxonomic chart (match what you see and go to that page) and branches off until you find the right plane group/subgroup. After that you have to flip through the pictures/descriptions in the subgroups to find the right plane. If you're sitting at an airport and have a good view with plenty of time to watch individual planes, this book is tops. However, if you're working at a distance with field...
Lots of high-quality pictures printed on glossy paper. Facts and explanations.
This amazing book does one thing better than any other like it: it allows observers to rapidly identify airliners. Using its unique system that divides airliners into categories based on number and type of engines and wing configurations, it rapidly guides observers to the identity of the airliner they're watching. Attractively designed, it includes full-color photos and 3-view silhouettes of each airliner, as well as...