A sanity-saving guide to parenting and child development
Raising kids is hard, and the rules, behaviors, and patterns seem to change as they get older. It's enough to make any parent feel irritated, overwhelmed, or exasperated - and that's okay. Growing Pains brings you age- and stage-specific strategies to keep you from feeling helpless. Tantrums, sulking, rule enforcement - this audiobook will assist you in navigating the ups and downs of child development with a clear head on your shoulders.
You'll learn a variety of techniques designed to help you deal with common kid conundrums like lying, not sharing, separation anxiety, and others. Through it all, you'll get the support you need to be there for your kid as they grow up.
This parenting audiobook on child development includes:
Proven strategies - Learn how to deal with topics like anger fits and pouting in a reasonable manner with careful methods.Ages 4 to 10 - Age-by-age chapters to guide you along this journey of child development with each passing year.Moments of sanity - Suggestions for keeping your cool when things get a little perplexing and overwhelming.Apply these effective parenting tactics during difficulties with child development and keep the peace within your home.
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