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Comics & Graphic NovelsIn a Natural Mind, Dr. Andrew Weil backs up his assertion, that people take drugs in order to alter consciousness, in an eloquent and brilliant way. This book changed the way I think about drugs. Everyone needs to read this essential piece of work. It was so profound and poignant, I just couldn't believe what I was reading. A classic!
This book presents both pros and cons of drugs and drug use, and goes in depth into altered states of consciousness and why people seek them. It is not just a book about drugs, or a journal of the author's own drug experience. It is, rather, a compelling look at human nature. Dr. Weil provides many clear examples to support the magnitude of information this book contains. This book answered a lot of questions I had, and...
This book was shared with me by a college girlfriend who was taking a graduate Biology of the Brain course at the University of Iowa. I confess that I only read it out of love and admiration for her, as I expected only a dry, clinical text. But this book grabbed me with its honesty, its openness, and its accessibility. I found it impossible to put down as I explored a range of substances that I had only heard of, but often...
I first was introduced to this book when a medical student in l976 in Arizona. Presented is a very expansive look at all mind-altering substances used in all cultures, with new definitions of those socially acceptable and not in our own culture. This belongs on every library shelf. I very quickly learned to see the many new insights into behavior vis-a-vis effects of all substances on the mind. I happen to be a fan or...
An excellent book about the inner workings of the mind.This book is a must read for those who have read Dr. Weil'srecent books about health and self care.The natural mind lays the ground work for these latter books, and is as relevant now as when it was first written in the early seventies.