Now with a fresh cover The nearly 200,000-selling Grace Walk has helped thousands of believers leave behind the manic-depressive Christian walk: either running around trying to perform to be acceptable to God--or thinking they've failed Him again and wondering if they'll ever measure up.
Living the grace walk gets Christians off this religious roller coaster. Using his own journey from legalism into grace, Steve McVey illustrates the foundational, biblical truths of who believers are in Jesus Christ and how they can let Him live His life through them each day.
As they experience their identity in Jesus Christ, Christians will come to know Amazing Grace as not just a song but as their true way of life.
What happens if what you are doing in your life doesn't seem to be working for you now - and you feel that by your own standards you are failing? What if you are a pastor or layperson doing church work, and the programs and promotions are not working? What if you work extra hard to make it work, at the expense of your family? What happens when you don't like the person that you are becoming? You discover something that was...
God used this book to set me free from homosexuality, legalism, hopelessness...... read it , believe it and be set free
The idea that God doesn't call us to do what we are able to do, but places our calling just beyond our own self-sufficiency so that "no flesh should glory in His presence" is a truth McVey has discovered. That we need not ask God for strength, but instead let Him perfect His own strength through our weakness is not something we have not read in the Bible. It is there! We simply read over it and never realize what it...
What can I do for God today? How can I make God proud of me? I am going to spend my life doing God's work. I do hereby resolve to ___________! (Fill in the blanks with anything religious.)Steve McVey shows us from scripture the futility of trying to 'work' for God. Spinning our wheels for the Lord leads to burn-out and depression. Instead, Steve would have us simply enjoy a deep relationship with God. This relationship...