Most fans of the good Dr. Thompson know him from his words (or more unfortunately, from Johnny Depp's caricature in the Vegas film). Gonzo is a unique book that shows HST's prowess behind the camera lens, documenting his own life, work and experience. The book is organized in a loose chronology of his life, with related excerpts from his writing. From his service days on Eglin AFB in Florida to his time with Sandy at Big Sur...
If you're a fan of Hunter S. Thompson, if you're a fan of journalism, writing, reading or if you're just a fan of very cool and fascinating things -- check out this book! This new, literary edition, has an amazing biography from writer Ben Corbett that will astonish and amaze you. Not to mention all the great aspects of the book as the previous edition -- the cool photos, clips and intro by Johnny Depp. Pick up a copy -- I...
This is a must have for any fan... This is a reprint version - ignore all of the limited edition descriptions (fancy Gonzo box, around a box with numbered print) in below 2006 reviews from the exceptionally lucky... This book came exactly how it's currently pictured ...and glorious in it's essence...
At first I was put off by the price. But the minute I opened the box that uncertainty disappeared. This is an amazing addition to my Thompson library and my library as a whole. The printing is limited to 3000 copies and I got # 2252. Not sure if they are going out in order but you might want to jump if you are toying with this dwindling opportunity. This is a book that will only gain in value over the years, a true collectors...
I work in a bookstore where we received two of these books, this is one of the best made books I've seen in a long time. worth every penny for a Thompson Fan. The photographs are well reproduced throughout and even the cardboard box it comes in feels study, well made and designed with a lot of thought in mind.