God Controls the Future so I Will NOT be Afraid, for Kids
It seems like everything in the world is going crazy these days People everywhere are getting sick, the news is flooded with protests and rioting, fires and disasters are happening all over the world, and even the weather is getting weird. What in the world is going on? Should we be afraid? Are things going to get worse? We are now experiencing what the Bible calls "the last days." This time of tribulation may seem a wee bit frightening, but for the children of the Lord, it's actually exciting God ALWAYS knows the future, so never be afraid. He is in complete control of everything He's made.
God Controls the Future so I Will NOT be Afraid, for Kids by BJ Jenkins is a fun children's rhyming book that teaches everyone what the Bible has to say about living in the last days before Jesus returns. So, buckle up while we take a journey into the book of Revelation, see what God says will happen next, and find out exactly what the children must do to be ready.