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Coming Of Age Community Family And Relationships Friendship Identity Loss Love Survival Young Adult SisterhoodThis book is so cool! It's a cookbook with recipes from famous chefs, created expressly for the Easy Bake. The recipes are unlike anything else out there ever created for the Easy Bake oven - and to that I say Hooray! Those prepackaged mixes are garbage and it's a thrill to see what this little toy can really do. Tells the whole story (with great pictures) of the Easy Bake oven. Me and my three year old daughter had a blast...
if you want a book to show you how to make your own easy bake mixes for the fraction on the cost, this is NOT the book for you. buy the Baking with Mommy Cookbook: Recipes for Kid-size oven. (highly recommended) this is a great book if you want to see the history of the oven and other really cool facts. the recipes are great for OLDER teens and adults. what kid really wants something with lobster in it? i got it for my...
I recently saw the author interviewed on "Unwrapped", and knew I had to have this book. Yep, I was one of those who always wanted - but never got - an Easy-Bake Oven! The book is a blast. The trivia and facts are interesting, and I especially loved reading the chefs recollections of their first experiences cooking with one. Some of the recipes are quite complex (I'm not sure I'd even be capable of trying them in a regular...
This is a delightful book - so original, fresh and over-all terrific. Author, David Hoffman has put together a great combination of a history book (of the easy-bake. . should have its own museum) and recipes from established chefs. This is the most fun book I've seen in a long, long time. I've already given it as gifts to many people - even the ones who don't go near an oven - easy bake or no! Also seeing Hoffman on CNN...
I had this idea about two years ago to buy an Easy-Bake oven and do some experiments with it to see what it was really capable of. I never did get around to doing those experiments, but I might wind up giving the oven to my nephew as soon as his mother thinks he's old enough to play with it. As it is, I acquired an Easy-Bake when I was in kindergarten or so, but never got to play with it -- in my mother's infinite wisdom,...