Give Me Liberty is a historical novel written by Rose Wilder Lane. The book is set in the late 18th century and follows the story of a young woman named Margaret, who lives in the newly formed United States. Margaret is a strong-willed and independent woman who is determined...
Give Me Liberty is a historical novel written by Rose Wilder Lane. The book is set in the late 19th century and follows the story of a young woman named Margaret ""Midge"" MacPherson. Midge is a spirited and independent woman who is determined to make her own way in the world...
Give Me Liberty is a historical novel written by Rose Wilder Lane. The book is set in the late 1700s and early 1800s in America, during the time of the American Revolution and the early years of the United States. The story follows the life of a young woman named Libertie, who...
Give Me Liberty is a historical novel written by Rose Wilder Lane. The book is set in the late 18th century and follows the life of a young woman named Marguerite who is determined to gain her freedom from the constraints of colonial society. Marguerite is a strong-willed and...
Give Me Liberty is a historical novel by Rose Wilder Lane, presented in a large print edition. The story is set in the late 18th century and follows the life of a young woman named Hilda, who is born into a family of loyalists in America. As the Revolutionary War breaks out,...
Give Me Liberty is a historical novel written by Rose Wilder Lane. The book is set in the late 18th century in the United States during the American Revolution. The story follows the life of a young woman named Martitia, who is determined to fight for her freedom and independence...