GIRL IN TRANSLATION by Jean Kwok This fictional story reads much like a memoir. The author wrote so vividly about Kimberly and her mother’s immigrant experience. From their condemned apartment, the terrible (and illegal!) factory conditions they endured and Kim’s experience at public school. Their perseverance, determination and courage under such dire circumstances was inspiring. However, I’m not fond of how the story...
Wonderful story, well written. A story of Mother and daughter's journey from Hong Kong to America. Their life working in a sweatshop owned by the mother's sister. A story of strength, intelligence, perseverance, and jealousy. A must read. I had to look up Jean Kwok and order her other books.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was so well-written. I didn't know there were still sweat shops in NYC in the 1980's. This book gave me a renewed appreciation for the struggle immigrants have.
Girl In Translation is a well written book that tells such an interesting story. The characters are presented in a unique way; thus creating such an enjoyable book to read.
WOW were the first words out of my mouth after finishing Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok. I had only meant to read for a bit but before I knew it I had raced through the book. From the first page to the last, Kimberly's story just grabbed me and wouldn't let go. "There's a Chinese saying that the fates are winds that blow through our lives from every angle, urging us along the paths of time. Those who are strong-willed may...
No matter how long our TBR list gets, we're always finding new titles we want to add! Here are 21 exciting October releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Our TBR shelves are already packed, but that doesn’t stop us from browsing (and buying!) new books! Here are 15 August releases you can preorder, along with suggestions for similar books you can pick up right now.
Have you heard of the Alex Awards? Established in 1998, they celebrate books written for adults that have special appeal for younger readers, aged twelve to eighteen. These intergenerational, or crossover, books can serve as wonderful connection points between parents and teens.