"Financial whiz Glinda Bridgforth is better to read than Suzy Orman. A great book to help you get your compulsive spending under control and your credit right."
Wow! Ive Been Reading This Book & Must Say , That It Has Taught Me About So Many Things I Didnt Know About. This Book Has Educated Me in So Many Areas In Life,Its Taught Me About How We Should Manage Debt. Paying Bills On Time, My Credit Score, & So Much More. This Book Is A Must Read For All Women...
I would refer this book to anyone that's trying to take control of their credit score.
I recently went to her book signing in Atlanta and bought all three of her books. She is an awesome author. I am a forty something woman who makes a good living just made a lot of mistakes. This is an excellent book to help you straighten out a mess that you have made in easy terms to understand. We have all had our share of credit "issues" but this will put you back on track. It is not just for sisters, it is for men...