Learn to code in ABAP, SAP's programming language This book explains ABAP in simple terms, and provides the guidance you need to become fluent in basic ABAP. Once you understand the basics, you'll write your first application, and then learn about more advanced language concepts. Step-by-step instructions, sample code, and hands-on exercises help ensure that you can apply the skills you learn to real-life scenarios. With the help of this book you can take your coding to the next level.
Programming Basics Become familiar with the very basics of ABAP, from syntax, string manipulation, and object creation, to code formatting, data types, and application development.
Programming Tools Discover the tools at your disposal including the ABAP editor in Eclipse, updated programming features in the new release, and more.
Sample Code Follow along with step-by-step instructions and full sample code, and become familiar with the intricacies of ABAP as you create your very first programs.
ABAP basics Flow control Debugging Creating tables Defining objects Data storage in standard memory Modularization Table syntax Lock objects Pretty print