This book takes you through a well structured learning journey of JSP, Servlets and related technologies such as Netbeans, Tomcat and MySQL for developing complete web apps. The book has provided me with the skill and confidence to start building my own web-app. The book finishes with a completed e-commerce example that builds on the earlier work, and gives the reader a basis for their own future development. The book provides...
The previous version of "Murach's Servlets and JSPs" was a good book, and this one is too. The book is described for use as "Training and reference", and while books tend to be good for one purpose or the other I found this one did manage to accomplish both objectives. The information is presented in small, distinct and incremental sections, and each block of code is clear and concise. It also contains all of the important...
Murach's Java Servlets and JSP 2nd Edition is a very good book for someone that would like to learn JSP & Servlet quickly and efficiently. The book content emphasizes on the important and commonly used features of JSP & Servlet and various aspects Java web-based applications. The writing style is a closer to Oreilly's cook book style than a conventional technical book. For me I really like it because I can just...
"Murach's Java Servlets and JSPs" covers a broad range of web development related topics such as servlets and JSP. It uses a two-page layout, with theory on the left page, and examples, figures, code, summary on the right page. The book starts with a step-by-step installation of Tomcat 6, Netbeans and MySql, following with instructions on how to use each of them. Then starts the journey to web application development: Servlets,...
Here is my review of Murach's Java Servlets and JSP 2nd Edition. I have the Java 6 SE book from Murach's, and it's equally impressive. I love the layout, style, organization, thoroughness, ease of understanding, and overall excellence of the Murach books. They explain everything very clearly, step by step, in a mentor/instructor conversational style, and in a problem solving context. The problem solving context is especially...
If the term "self-help" makes you roll your eyes or the thought of going on a play date with your inner tween makes you cringe, then this blog is for you! (Note: we do use the term "self-help" but only because the thesaurus alternatives are lame and "independent quest for human improvement" doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.)
New Year = Let the resolutions begin! Orrr...not. 2019 is new, but really, you woke up the same old you (older if you overindulged NYE), so maybe it's time to embrace your real, gloriously imperfect, weird self and say hello to anti-resolutions instead of the same old same old. (And good-bye to celery without peanut butter and raisins!)