This Is A Front Row Seat For A Trip Down Memory Lane By Way Of The Words Of Punk's (In My Opinion) Biggest Icon, The Legendary Henry Rollins. This Book Is Henry's Experience, His Descriptions & Views Of His Life And Time On The Road With The Baddest Punk Band Ever.. The Almighty Black Flag!! Henry Minces No Words Ever, And Lets It Rip! This Book Is A Work Of Gritty Hardcore Art That Is Soaked In Henry's Blood, Sweat, And Tears...
Rollins. The name evokes many different images and adjectives: hard-nosed, blunt, angry, alienated, repetitive (the guy harps a lot on how pissed he is at himself and the world), acerbic, and freakin' hysterical. If you've seen him do spoken word shows, you know how razor sharp his wit can be, and there's no denying that Henry Rollins is one of the great racontuers (did I spell that right?) of punk rock. Greg Ginn has of...
From Haagen Dazs manager to touring the hard way in a crowded van as the lead singer of independent punk rockers Black Flag for the exquisite privilege of getting spit on and attacked by skinheads, and being ripped off by sleazy, hole-in-the-wall club owners, it's all here in all its depressing, angst filled, self-searching glory. 'Get in the Van' is not only an insider's look into the machinations of independent fringe...
Imagine living your life for nothing other than the chance to express yourself honestly in music night after night. Now, imagine you are puting your heart and soul into every song you thrash out, even though there is little chance of you ever becoming a main stream success...even though you barely have enough money to eat, you ride in a rickety van for hundreds of miles between gigs, and club owners, promoters, cops and...
Rollins' anecdotes of life on the road with Black Flag and back in "The Shed" are fascinating, but for me the most fascinating parts of Get in the Van are about Rollins' thought development and epiphanies that lead to his convictions about his artistic direction. It is fascinating to compare the "form" of Get in the Van, which is pretty much the memoir, to the form(s) of song lyrics; since Rollins is a poet/lyricist, the...