Create your own miracles is an outstanding book that will lay the foundation for your success. This book came out in 1971. The message is timeless.
Create your own miraacles is an outstanding book that will lay the foundation for your success. This book came out in 1971. The message is timeless.
I suppose everyone has read or heard about Napolean Hill's most famous work--Think and Grow Rich. You can work your own miracles will teach you how the miraculous power that lies within your own personality.Dr. Hill explains that success belongs to those lucky people who are blessed with successful personalities. With these outstanding human beings, success is a daily miracle, a way of life, a habit.Businesspeople, preachers,...
A truly amazing little book. Having experienced it's truths, I highly recommend adding this to your success library. Everyone of Mr. Hill's books add to the insight originally presented in Think and Grow Rich. As Mr. Hill advanced through life, so did his understanding of these principles. Mr. Hill's work has stood the test of time. There is no magic or hype. No infomercials or flashy web sites. Just solid principles that...
In this little volume Napoleon Hill clearly explains the laws of success in simple language, without any new age gobblygook. Sound and practical advice to become a winner in all areas of your life. Very valuable insights about helper guides, how to contact them, and how to program the subconscious for success. I found his advice on how to turn all negative situations into positive ones particularly helpful. "The supreme...