""Gene Autry, Cowboy Detective"" is a book written by R. R. Winterbotham that tells the story of Gene Autry, a famous singing cowboy who also happens to be a detective. The book follows Autry as he solves various mysteries and crimes, all while singing his way through the Wild...
Gene Autry, Cowboy Detective is a novel written by R. R. Winterbotham. The book follows the adventures of Gene Autry, a famous singing cowboy who also happens to be a skilled detective. Autry is called upon to solve a series of crimes that have been committed in a small western...
Gene Autry, Cowboy Detective is a book written by R. R. Winterbotham. The book is a thrilling mystery story that follows the adventures of Gene Autry, a famous cowboy and singer, who also happens to be a detective. In this book, Autry sets out to solve a series of crimes that...
""Gene Autry, Cowboy Detective"" is a mystery novel written by R. R. Winterbotham. The story follows Gene Autry, a famous cowboy and singer, as he takes on the role of a detective to solve a series of crimes in a small western town. With the help of his trusty horse, Champion,...