""Gene Autry and the Thief River Outlaws"" is a Western novel written by Bob Hamilton. The book follows the adventures of Gene Autry, a famous singing cowboy, as he travels to Thief River to perform in a rodeo. However, things take a turn for the worse when he discovers that...
""Gene Autry and the Thief River Outlaws"" is a western novel written by Bob Hamilton. The story revolves around Gene Autry, a famous cowboy singer and actor who also happens to be a skilled horseman and gunslinger. In this book, Gene is on a mission to bring justice to the town...
""Gene Autry and the Thief River Outlaws"" is a western novel written by Bob Hamilton. The story follows the adventures of Gene Autry, a singing cowboy and movie star, as he travels to Thief River to investigate a series of robberies and murders that have been plaguing the town...