The true story of the criminal case against Marcus Garvey as told in confidential Bureau of Investigation files and from the pages of Negro World. Peer inside the Universal Negro Improvement Association through reports of undercover agents which revealed the rivalry, jealousy, greed, and incompetence that sunk the Black Star Line shipping company and halted Garvey's back-to-Africa campaign. The world's most famous black nationalist icon was marred by charges of hypocrisy and opportunism after he praised the Ku Klux Klan and became a leading purveyor of skin bleach and hair straightener advertisements in the pages of his weekly newspaper. Suspected of ordering the murder of two rivals, Garvey was convicted of a single count of fraud in the engrossing story of oratorical supremacy, racial division, outlandish claims, and shifting ideology in a maelstrom of events that would shape Twentieth Century history and assure lasting fame for Jamaica's first National Hero.