When young rake Alcide espies the Countess Gamiani in the throes of wild Saphic abandon, it whips him into a veritable frenzy of lust and lasciviousness. Revealing himself without hesitation or reservation he falls upon them and three therein embark on a two day journey of utmost excess.
Between bouts and ruts the trio will share their most licentious tales, stories of exploitative convents, orgy-fuelled monasteries, and backstreet bordellos. From huge group-menages to milk-filled godemich s, unrestrained ravishments to slow seductions, nothing is left to imagination in this raucous collection of graphic reminiscences.
Written in 1833 by Alfred de Musset and published in English by the notorious Victorian publisher William Dugdale in 1864, this work rivals that of De Sade in its sheer debauchery. A worthy addition to any collection of classic unexpurgated erotica, but certainly not for the faint of heart or of weak disposition.
Fair warning herewith given.