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Humor & Entertainment Religion Religion & Spirituality Teen & Young Adult Youth MinistryAn Introduction to Black Studies is an excellent book for all those interested in understanding African and African American history. No book can capture the total history of a people, but Karenga does give you an exceptional look at a wide variety of historical and cultural components. This is a "text" book. It is not a novel. This is not the book that you read for pleasure. It is for information. I used this same edition...
The Introduction to Black Studies by Dr. Maulana Karenga is an invaluable contribution to history and humanity in terms of its afrocentric context in analyzing and accurately introducing the rich and varied history and contribution of continental Africans, African Americans and other Black peoples through out the World African Community to its readers. This book is a must read not only for those in college classes, it should...
This is an excellent introduction to the breadth and depth of Black Studies. Karenga treats the subject with great care and the details of a scholar. He provides a great bibliography to help the reader locate the views and ideas of others. This book is also great for classroom use. Students love it. You will grow with this book. It is well written and easy to follow. He systematically builds each chapter for the reader...