Discover how digital gaming can improve learning and prepare students for successful futures. The authors--both experienced educators and enthusiastic gamers--contend that students of the 21st century communicate and learn differently than previous generations. By incorporating digital games into lessons, student learning will more accurately reflect the interactive, engaging reality students experience outside the classroom and better prepare them for college and careers.
Explore learning theory and research that supports why students of the digital generation require different learning and teaching methods than previous generations. Discover the benefits of classroom gamification for educational and professional development purposes, which include making students active participants in their learning. Gain consistent, clear definitions for terms related to gaming in education, and learn how to incorporate digital games into lesson design. Access lists of suggested digital games, and learn for what purposes the games are most useful. Consider how digital games can address students' diverse learning needs and can be used for assessment.Contents
Foreword by Ian Jukes
Introduction: The Gamer in Us All
Chapter 1: From Entertainment to Education 3.0
Chapter 2: The Arcade of Education
Chapter 3: Learning Theory and the Attributes of the Digital Generation
Chapter 4: How to Find and Evaluate Digital Games for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Chapter 5: Lesson Design Using Digital Games
Chapter 6: Digital Gaming and Assessment
Chapter 7: The Nine I's of Modern Learning
Chapter 8: Beyond Linear Presentations
Chapter 9: Takeaways
References and Resources