The classic first novel in Peter Robinson's internationally bestselling series featuring Inspector Alan Banks-a must-read for fans of Louise Penny, Ian Rankin, and Elizabeth George. Former London policeman Alan Banks relocated to quiet Yorkshire seeking some small measure of...
The classic first novel in Peter Robinson's internationally bestselling series featuring Inspector Alan Banks--a must-read for fans of Louise Penny, Ian Rankin, and Elizabeth George. Former London policeman Alan Banks relocated to quiet Yorkshire seeking some small measure of...
When Chief Inspector Alan Banks isn't catching a criminal, he's off pursuinghis latest interest: Tudor history, bird's eggs, or much to his beleaguered family's dismay,his current passion, opera. After moving his family from London to Eastvale, an oldmarket town in Yorkshire,...
Having moved his family to the market town of Eastvale, Chief Inspector Alan Banks is disturbed by a local crime wave and teams up with psychologist Jenny Fuller--to whom he is attracted--to find out who is targeting Eastvale women. Reprint. NYT.
"The climax, choreographed to a furious pace, should fill the land with the sound of pages turning." --Toronto Star
The classic first novel in Peter Robinson's internationally bestselling Inspector Banks series Detective Chief Inspector Alan...
Chief Inspector Alan Banks of the Criminal Investigation Department has been recently transferred from London to Eastvale, a town in the Yorkshire dales. His desire to escape the stress of city life appears to be satisfied by Eastvale s cobbled market square, its tree-shaded...