Jules Verne (1828-1905) is one of the most recognizable names in Western literature, coming to be known as one of the Fathers of Science-Fiction. Although he studied to be a lawyer and held stock trading jobs, he quickly learned that he had a knack for weaving adventurous stories...
In this novel, Lt.Jasper Hobson and other members of the Hudson's Bay Company travel through the Northwest Territories of Canada to Cape Bathurst on the Arctic Ocean on the mission to create a fort at 70 degrees, north of the Arctic Circle, an area rich with wildlife and natural...
Volume 10 of 54 of Jules Verne's "Extraordinary Voyages", first printed in 1873.A classic adventure novel by Jules Verne, "The Fur Country" is the tale of a British expedition to found a fort along the northern territories of Canada. After a mysterious earthquake, reality seems...
Jules Gabriel Verne was born on February 8th, 1828 on le Feydeau, a small artificial island on the Loire River in Nantes. His father wanted his son to take over the family law practice. Jules started along this course and despite graduating with a licence en droit in January...
It is time for the saints to discover the supernatural realm. You will explore how Heaven wants to invade the Earth more than the Earth wants to discover Heaven. There is at all times a sound being released from earth to heaven as well as from heaven to earth. The more understanding...
Jules Verne: Das Land der Pelze. Beide B nde in einem Buch Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2015 Vollst ndiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger
Jules Verne: Das Land der Pelze. "Beide Bande in einem Buch" Lesefreundlicher Grossdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Edition Holzinger. Grossformat, 216 x 279 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2015 Vollstandiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger LE PAYS DES FOURRURES...
L'oeuvre est d'abord publi e dans le Magasin d' ducation et de R cr ation du 20 septembre 1872 au 15 d cembre 1873, puis reprise en volume le 13 novembre 1873 chez Hetzel
En 1859, des officiers de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson sont charg s d'aller fonder un fort au nord du 70e parall le, au-del du cercle polaire, dans le grand nord canadien. Le fort est tabli sur le Cap Bathurst, qui semble tre le lieu parfait. Malheureusement, ce cap n'est...
Lt. Jasper Hobson and other members of the Hudson's Bay Trading Co. and his team along with the company's guests, Mrs. Paulina Barnett and Thomas Black travel through the North West Territories of Canada to Cape Bathurst on the Arctic Ocean. At Cape Bathurst, Hobson intends...
This is the 10th book in the Extraordinary Voyages Series. In 1859 Lt. Jasper Hobson and other members of the Hudson's Bay Company travel through the Northwest Territories of Canada to Cape Bathurst on the Arctic Ocean on the mission to create a fort at 70 degrees, north of the...
Book Excerpt: ...the factory resounded with joyful hurrahs. And it was no wonder that the stove consumed a hundredweight of coal on this memorable evening, for the cold outside was twenty-four degrees Fahrenheit below zero, and Fort Reliance is situated in 61 47' N. Lat., at...
En 1859, des officiers de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson sont charg s d'aller fonder un fort au nord du 70e parall le, au-del du cercle polaire, dans le grand nord canadien. Le fort est tabli sur le Cap Bathurst, qui semble tre le lieu parfait. Malheureusement, ce cap n'est...