Great book really love this series!
I read this book in English and bought it for my grandfather to read in Spanish. It is a great story. Yo lei este libro en Ingles y lo compre para mi abuelito en espanol. Es una gran historia.
This is easily the best of the first 3 books in this series. It is hard to put down once you start. Much more action and adventures in this one. Unfortunately for me, I know how this one turns out. I read Book #4 Soul Harvest first, by mistake, and now, I have had to back track. If you do the same thing, do not fret. Books 1, 2, and 3 are just as exciting even with what I already knew. I can't wait to finish the rest...
I've been a fan of this series since the second book came out. I found the first one slow at times, but they get better (mostly). Then I read a review that said the Christ Clone Trilogy by James BeauSeigneur is a whole lot better, so I tried it. The review was more critical of Left Behind than I would agree with, but it was 100% right about the Christ Clone. Man, that's a series you can sink your teeth into. It moves fast,...
¡Un libro para recomendarse! Nicolás continúa magníficamente el drama del primer libro de la serie Dejados Atrás. Este libro es el más explosivo de toda la serie. Los autores Tim Lahaye y Jerry B. Jenkins deben sentirse orgullosos de su mensaje cristiano. También, felicitaciones efusivas al traductor, hizo un gran trabajo con una perfecta traducción que transmite fielmente el estilo de los autores. En mi opinión, el lector...