In a society that spends so much time and energy telling all of us who we should be, what we should do, what to want, and what we need to be successful, it's incredibly liberating to have stories, songs, and poems telling us we are just fine the way we are. What's amazing is that the stories are engaging, charming, funny, and poignant. If all girls and boys were given this book, I think our world would look much different...
I think about this collection of stories a lot, especially in reading other stories for children. One of the most beautiful stories I've read is in this book. It's called "Atalanta". In this rare gem of a fairy tale, the "happy ever after" for the princess comes not in marrying the prince, but in following her dreams. Lessons such as staying true to yourself abound in this book, and I truly feel young women such as my sister...
I'm 15 years old and I was born in '83. I grew up reading and listening to "Free to be You and Me." It's the greatest. It teaches children not to get locked into gender goals. Boys can cry. Girls can play with trucks. Your can teach your child to be free, like me.
This book was given to me when I was about 4 years old. It is a beautiful collection of stories, songs, poems and tales that open a child's imagination. It encourages children, both male and female, black or white, to follow your dreams. The focus is that all children have endless possibilities for them and despite your sex or race everyone is equal and beautiful. It's a truly wonderful book. I still have my tattered...