"Frank Roscoe's Secret" from Allen Chapman. (1896-1933).
Frank Roscoe's Secret Or The Darewell Chums In The Woods is a children's adventure book written by Allen Chapman. The story revolves around a group of friends called the Darewell Chums who embark on a camping trip in the woods. During their trip, they stumble upon a mysterious...
Frank Roscoe's Secret is a classic adventure novel by Allen Chapman that follows the Darewell Chums, a group of young boys who embark on a thrilling journey in the woods. The story revolves around Frank Roscoe, a new member of the group who is hiding a secret that could put the...
"That's the way to line 'em out, Ned " "Go on now Take another You can get home " "Wow That wins the game Hurrah for Ned Wilding " Those were some of the shouts, amid a multitude of others, that came from scores of boyish throats as they watched the baseball game between the...
"That's the way to line 'em out, Ned " "Go on now Take another You can get home " "Wow That wins the game Hurrah for Ned Wilding " Those were some of the shouts, amid a multitude of others, that came from scores of boyish throats as they watched the baseball game between the...