The English language has great diversity, perhaps nowhere as strong and colourful as across the spread of North America, the largest geographic landmass of English-speaking predominance in the world. Like any living language, the 'standard' is not always the one used in everyday speech and communication. The written language itself has differing standards, all at variance in one form or another from the spoken word. Because...
Not one to read in large portions, thisunique book is absolutely recommended to anyonewho loves the English language.Mr. Kacirk has done a wonderful serviceto Anglophiles and 's virtuesare many. He takes each word separately; givesa brief historical description; adds a few excerptsfrom where the word was used; and polishes it offwith a lovely line illustration (printed in green ink whichmakes for a perfect contrast to the...
Received my copy yesterday and am very impressed with the uncommon wealth of ancestral language! After only 30 minutes of reading I purchased a 2nd copy for a family member --didn't want to keep this treasure a secret! Entertaining and educational. Highly recommended!!!
"Forgotten English" is a delightful look at archaic words, expressions, and the societies that spawned them. The author does not simply define terms, but explains how they arose and what societal customs or beliefs they reflect. If you enjoy this book, you might also like the "Forgotten English" desk calendar.
Forgotten English is a great asset to the mind and library of any well-read english student, teacher, or any to whom words, language, literature and history are of interest. It gives incredible insight to many works of literature, such as Shakespeare, popular classics and many more obscure texts. The author, Mr. Kacirk, uses a wealth of information from a world of resources. Every entry to this not-quite-dictionary-style,...